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Writer's picture: Orjan Pettersen KM Expert E3Orjan Pettersen KM Expert E3

Each week MASTERCLASS gives you brief but key information on how to optimise a simple Krav Maga strike or technique.

This week we’ll cover ELBOW STRIKES, very close range and powerful hits from different directions; horizontal (or slightly angled) or vertically upward or downward.


These strikes can be directed in all directions; forward, backward (horizontally) or upward or downward (vertically).

They are fairly simple to execute and lands a lot of power if done correctly but must be done at the right range (a couple of feet maximum or less).

Practice elbow strikes to make them a natural and effective part of your striking repertoire due to their devastating impact.

This Masterclass will focus on the horizontal elbow strikes.


With your hands up and in front of you (with bent arms) send the striking elbow upwards and forward until the upper arms is parallel to the floor at the point of contact.

Create a maximum reach by also sending the striking side shoulder forward as you aim to connect with the upper and outside forearm a few centimetres below the elbow point (don’t aim to connect with the elbow point itself, target this just beyond your desired striking point).

Anatomically, aim to connect with an opponent’s side neck or side of the face.

Breathe out as you strike and keep the other hand up throughout the strike.

Aim to ‘go through’ the target by 10-20cm (aim beyond the target) and recoil fast on connection to transfer maximum energy. If you’re able to pivot your upper body into the strike, you will also put more mass into the strike to make it more powerful.

This forward horizontal elbow strike may be slightly angled up or down depending on the height difference between you and your opponent at the moment of striking.

Striking backward, you will again elevate the upper forearm to be parallel to the floor as you turn after identifying the target behind you. Keep the other hand up and in front of your face as you turn. The power in the strike comes from the turn of the upper body. Aim to connect with the upper and outer side of the tricep area, close to the elbow. Again, strike ‘through’ the target by aiming beyond it and recoil quickly after connecting to optimise the transfer of energy into the target. Breathe out as you strike. The angle of the strike may be slightly up or down depending on the height of the opponent. The target should again be the neck or face.

For backwards strikes, a slightly bent but extended arm, locked at the elbow, will provide a longer reach strike, where the entire outer forearm is added to the elbow as a striking part. This backward or sideways elbow/forearm strike will be covered in a later Masterclass.

Picture: Krav Maga Master Gheorghe Husar filming with The Krav Maga Educator Orjan Pettersen for online tutorials.

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