Each week MASTERCLASS gives you brief but key information on how to optimise a simple Krav Maga strike or technique.
A back kick is a primary striking choice as it’s the longer range option available to you when you become aware of a threat behind you, but is either unable or too late to turn around to face it. Therefore, practice it extensively.
Turn head fully towards target, with an attempt to scan as widely behind you to detect further secondary threats, with optimal peripheral vision to get fullest range of vision of your previous blind spot.
Keep chin down and protected by the turning shoulder, lock onto the target, and maintain the ‘lock on’ onto the threat’s torso area (enabling a full body view) for the duration of the kick. You should now be turned creating the smallest possible profile with the shoulder facing the opponent.
Whilst turning, hands come up, near hand close to you (primed to strike if the target is close or closing rapidly), far hand across the torso (for protection). Hands remain in this position throughout.
If required to get onto your kicking range, make a very short step (like a stomping motion) placing the far foot behind the to-be kicking leg with the heel facing the target, ensuring optimal mobility in the hip for the kick.
Make sure you have a slight drop of the base leg knee, acting like a suspension, to aid your balance during the motion.
Maintain a small side profile towards the target, lift knee (as you begin the stomping motion) and extend the leg aiming around a foot (30cm) beyond the target, connecting with the full sole of the foot, recoiling the leg fast upon extension to transfer energy quickly.
The lift of the knee can either be done directly upwards before extending the leg fully into the target, or in a circular upward motion with the kicking foot before extending the leg into the target (as if your kicking foot is at 6pm on a clock face, then lifted clockwise and circularly to 9pm before extended).
Maintain knee at connection height to target area as you recoil, before foot is put down in the most optimal tactical position, depending on your next planned action.
This could for example be a return to the starting position (far foot heel facing target, kicking foot 90° to target) for a second kick, a pivoting of the far foot to face toes towards the target and land with both feet facing the target in a balanced fighting stance position to continue strikes or bring back the kicking leg and land as a first step in a direction running away from the situation towards safety.
The choice of target area is dependent on your flexibility and purpose of kick; e.g. knee, centre mass (abdomen) or chest.
Breathe out as you strike.
Start by working on the feet position, moving the base leg behind the kicking leg, unless target is directly behind you.
Proceed to do the stomping step and lift leg up slightly movement in one motion.
Take the previous step further and lift leg up.
Finally, extend the kicking leg fully towards your target area and recoil back.
Work slowly to improve balance, a key factor in the efficacy of the kick.
Practice different landing positions.
This can be done in a dry drill, on a loosely held pad (no resistance), on a person with a pad/protection or against a solid wall.
Picture:The Krav Maga Master Gheorghe Husar filming with The Krav Maga Educator Orjan Pettersen (right) for online tutorials. ALL VIDEOS ARE AVAILABLE IN OUR ONLINE LEARNING AND COURSES AT WWW.SPARTANS-EDU.ORG.